Say Hello to plotNG Version 2.0

The world’s first fully compliant, zero manual entry,
Next Generation electronic plotting solution for aviation

A complete solution for international operators

plotNG works in conjunction with ForeFlight. This means you only need to use one application on your iPad. Our objectives are to reduce errors due to manual entry and to eliminate crew tasks during high-workload phases of flight, while simultaneously enhancing Situational Awareness.

Built by pilots, for pilots

plotNG was designed and built by pilots who are active in the aviation community. There are no apps to install, and nothing to keep updated. Every detail of plotNG's design has been honed through extensive field experience incorporating feedback from international flight crews.

Simplicity, at its best!

Works with all major international trip planning providers

Simply forward the email containing your international flight plan to plotNG. Our secure servers will immediately deliver a highly-optimized Custom Content pack for use within ForeFlight. There is no need to change your flight plan format or request any special handling from your provider. Supported providers include ARINCDirect, Colt, FlightPro International, ForeFlight Dispatch, Honeywell GDC, ITPS, Jeppesen, Jetex, Signum, Universal Weather and Aviation, WorldFuel Services, and more.

plotNG. It just works!

ETPs and re-routes

ETPs are color-coded and include industry standard vectors to identify alternate airports. Users can tap any ETP icon to display additional information. plotNG provides an intuitive graphical solution to reposition ETPs following a re-route. ICAO 4444 worldwide contingency procedures are included in every TripKit, and these procedures are directly accessible from the map screen. These interactive graphical representations simplify the decision-making process for crews in contingency situations.

Simple. Intuitive.

Gross Navigation Error checks have never been easier

plotNG suggests calculated locations at which 10 minute GNE checks or 5 minute GNE checks should be recorded. Utilizing ForeFlight's Marked Positions, pilots need only cross-check the EFB's GPS source against the aircraft FMS position sensors. This represents a huge improvement in speed, accuracy, and simplicity, reducing the opportunity for a GNE.

Easy. Quick.

Tracks, the way professional flight crews want them

North Atlantic Tracks, east and west, current and future, are automatically generated and included with every plot. TMI and track names are included in each track label for easy identification, and track label icons can be tapped to bring up the full track message, all without leaving the map screen. Because tracks are included with each TripKit, they remain associated with the plot for record keeping purposes. plotNG tracks can be viewed simultaneously with any displayed map layer, including Jeppesen charts.

Rethinking alternates

Alternate airports are grouped with their corresponding ETPs and each group can be individually decluttered from the map screen. This interactive graphical tool, yet again, enhances situational awareness and simplifies the decision-making process for crews in contingency situations.

Compliance first

plotNG's core design concept is based around compliance. These features include Magnetic Course and Distance based on the WGS84 reference ellipsoid and the WMM2020 epoch; oceanic contingency procedures available for fast crew access directly from the map screen; and oceanic tracks which remain linked to the imported flight plan.

Simplified administration and field use

plotNG account managers can administer plotNG from any desktop, laptop, or tablet computer. Setup and management is simply a matter of adding or removing aircraft and pilots, and reviewing TripKit history.

Account settings are a thing of the past. plotNG provides you with every capability and feature in each TripKit while simultaneously optimizing the size of your emails. And, ForeFlight routes and content packs now load the same way regardless of your choice of email app.

No special procedures. No special training. Ka-ching!

plotNG. It Just Works.

Contact us today to schedule your free Zoom-based demonstration

$34.95 per Flight Plan PDF
(Up to four legs per PDF)
No annual subscriptions.
No contracts.
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PlotNG® is a registered trademark of PlotNG LLC; Apple, ARINCDirect, Colt, FlightPro International, ForeFlight, Honeywell GDC, ITPS, Jeppesen, Jetex, Signum, Universal Weather and Aviation, and WorldFuel Services are trademarks of their respective companies and have no affiliation with PlotNG. ForeFlight subscription is not included.